Greater Boston is a great joy to listen to; it has an easy, deliberate pace, a magic realist tone, and an arch, wry wittiness that protects a wounded but warm heart. It's the most novelistic piece of audio fiction in podcast-land these days; the characters' stories intertwine in a way that feels just right for the tone.
Season One takes a few episodes to find its footing, as the show tries to figure out how to make best use of the medium, but swiftly embarks on a heartfelt exploration of the lives of half a dozen Greater Boston residents. Season Two is even better, exploring the ramifications of a fantastical referendum that recalls the uncomfortable history of segregation and white flight. It's all handled with delicacy, wit, and unbelievably creative Bostonian profanity. I'm excited to see where this show goes next.
April 28, 2017 by IcarusFloats on Apple Podcasts