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Greater Boston
Sept. 20, 2022

Mini-Episode: Farewell Letters, Currently Unopened

Mini-Episode: Farewell Letters, Currently Unopened
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Greater Boston

Greater Boston is created by Alexander Danner and Jeff Van Dreason with support from TH Ponders, Bob Raymonda, and Jordan Stillman. This episode was written and sound designed by Jeff van Dreason.

This episode features:

  • Josh Rubino as Bernie the mail carrier
  • Kelly McCabe as nice stamatis
  • Julia Propp as Louisa Alvarez
  • And Michael Melia as Phillip west


Charlie on the MTA whistled by josh Rubino

Transcripts available at



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Content Warnings:

  • Discussion of near death.
  • Discussion of a federal crime. 
  • Delayed dissatisfaction. 
  • A character using an obvious spur of the moment alias and completely caught doing so.
  • Heavy foreshadowing. 
  • No music. Only foley. 


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[Bernie whistles the “Charlie on the MTA” theme song]

This is…
This is…

This is…

Greater Boston.


[Whistling slowly fades out]


[Jail environment—Shawmut. Bernie whistles as he walks down the line of cells.]


Bernie—Josh Rubino

Let’s see here. Pinky, there you go, little package from Mom. Coco, I think this is some instructions from your lawyer. Ronnie, a little love letter from Mick—you can tell because the envelope is pink as always. And… here we go. Nica? Nica Stamatis?


Nica Stamatis—Kelly McCabe

Who are you?



I’m Bernie. I’m a mail carrier! 



They let you just… walk in here? To deliver mail?



[Chuckles.]Well, it does take some power of persuasion, but thankfully me and the lead guard, Tony, are on excellent terms. My husband is a fantastic baker, and I drop him half a dozen sweets each time I make my deliveries here. Speaking of. [Takes out a letter.] Got a letter for ya. 






It’s from a fella named Michael Tate?



Wow. Already? I just got in here yesterday. 



From my understanding, he wrote it a little while ago. Back when he was, uhh… stuck at work.



Nearly dying. Imprisoned. Mostly by his own will. 



I suppose that’s true, yes. 



But he got out before I went into lockup. So how did you know I was in here?

Oh, I have my ways. You know I have a county record? Best delivery rate. 100%. Every time. Next stop, regional. Then hopefully the state record! The sky’s the limit! 



Wow. Impressive. Well. Thanks, I guess. 



You’re welcome! Ah… mm. Coughs.]So… you uh, you gonna open it?



I mean, eventually. 



Right. It’s—uhh—it’s just that most people tear into these right away. 



I know Michael is okay, or will be okay. I spoke to him before I had to save my brother from that same office. My brother is the one who got him out. Did he get a letter too? Dimitri?



Oh, yes. Quite a few people have.






You sure you’re not gonna — 



You seem awfully invested in me opening this.



Well, to be completely honest, I’ve enjoyed seeing people’s reaction to them. They’ve mostly been very powerful. 



I’ve always wanted to open other people’s mail. 



Well, that’s a federal crime. They usually read them out loud so I get to— 



I’m not doing that.



Oh, that’s fine! Message received. It’s your mail, after all, it’s only — 



I think I’m going to save this for when I really need it. Not a ton of reading material in here, you know?



Of course. Well, I’ll be on my way. You take care, now!


Uh-huh, you know it! Best I can, only way I know how!


[Bernie whistles as he walks away. Sound fades out.]


[Jamaica Plain streets, residential area. Bernie whistles and walks up a stoop and knocks on the door. He knocks again when the door opens]



Louisa Alvarez?


Louisa—Julia Propp

Yep. Do I need to sign for something?



Oh no, just a letter here for you.



Oh—just… drop it in the box on the left. 



It’s from Michael Tate. 



Okay. That’s weird.





He, uhh… he wrote it when he was at ThirdSight. 



OH, this is that letter. Right. Umm. Thanks! [Takes the letter.] Is that all for you today?



Lots of letters delivered by Michael around this time. A whole bunch of people seemed to be really moved by them. 



I don’t doubt that.



You gonna open it?



Uhh. Not at the moment. No. 



Okay, then. 


Louisa [insistent] 




Mind if I ask why?



Why bye?



Why you’re not going to open it? I’m sorry to be forward—it’s just that so many people have gotten a lot out of these letters. It’s possible it may be just what you need. That seems to be the case for others, so— 



I’m just getting used to the fact that my best friend nearly died. I can’t handle the fact that he wrote me a goodbye letter right now. You know?



Well, sure, that makes sense. Just make sure you open it when you really need it.



Uh-huh. Will do. Thanks, Mr. Postman. 



You take care, now!


Louisa [adding a “weirdo” at the end in her head]

Yep, uh-huh, you too! 


[Door shuts a little too hard. Bernie whistles and walks away, nonplussed. Sound fades out.]


[Sound fades up on a Roxbury street. Bernie walks down the street whistling, knocks on a door. No answer. Bernie knocks again]


Philip West—Michael Melia [through the door]




Oh, hello! I got a letter here for a Mr. Philip West?


Phil [through the door]

Just drop it through the slot. 



It’s from a Mr. Michael Tate?


Phil [through the door]

Just drop it through the slot.



These letters have had a profound effect on the people who — 


Phil [through the door]

Just drop it through the slot!



I think if you’d just consider reading it, Mr. West, you’ll see that — 


Phil [opens the door a crack]

This isn’t… I’m not Mr. West. I’m, uhh… Bob.


Bernie [playing along, but clearly knows Phil is Bob]

Well, Bob. You let Philip know this letter is here for him. And that Michael Tate is okay.


Phil [through the door]

Yeah, uhh, he told me he saw him on the news. It was good… uhh… news. Good news. On the news. 



I’m willing to bet there’s more good news in this here letter.


Phil [sighing, through the door]

Just… drop it through the slot.



You’ll make sure he gets it, now, right… Bob?


[Phil swings open the door.]



Sure, pal. Not only that. I’ll make sure he finds you when he’s ready to read it. And he’ll read it to you and the two of you can have a good cry over it, okay?



Sounds like a deal to me!


[Phil slams the door.]


Phil [through the door]

Now just drop it through the fucking slot!



[Chuckles.]Haha. Okay, then! Have a good one, now!

[Bernie drops it through the slot.)] Huh. Tough day. Oh well. No stamp licks the same…


[Bernie walks away, sighing, just slightly frustrated. But then he whistles. Sound fades out.]


Greater Boston is created by Alexander Danner and Jeff Van Dreason, with support from TH Ponders, Bob Raymonda, and Jordan Stillman. This mini-episode was written and sound designed by Jeff Van Dreason. 

This mini-episode features:

  • Josh Rubino as Bernie the Mail Carrier
  • Kelly McCabe as Nica Stamatis
  • Julia Propp as Louisa Alvarez
  • And Michael Melia as Phillip West

“Charlie on the MTA” whistled by Josh Rubino.

Transcripts available at

Episode 40 debuts on September 27th.

Julia Propp [as Bernie Sanders]
Lots of letters delivered by Michael around this time. A whole bunch of people seemed to be really moved by them. You gonna open it? Okay, then. Mind if I ask why? Why you’re not going to open it? I’m sorry to be forward, it’s just that so many people have gotten a lot out of these letters. It’s possible it may be just what you need. I wrote the bill. [Laughs.] I don’t know where I went after that. I’ve got a few minutes…

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